Saturday, July 30, 2016

New season for Three Sisters

I decided to plant the three sisters on my own in a container so I could get a good idea of how the three plants grow together.

Plants at the end of June

They came up strong and quickly.

The beans had pretty purple flowers.

The squash grew blossoms. I had wrapped the bean tendrils around the corn plants, but they did not climb.

Plants on July 26
The corn has not been growing as much as last year. Maybe they are too crowded, maybe there is not enough light, maybe both. I should probably thin the corn stalks down to one. I hope to move the container to a spot with more light once we recycle the oversized grill which has expired. Meanwhile I gave the beans some stakes to climb.

The tallest corn has a very tiny tassel, but the squash blossoms look nice.

And I have beans growing. 

My wildflower seeding in the empty tree pits did not work out. It was so frustrating because I went out in th early spring, in the rain. It was so cold. But nothing came up, except for weeds. There was one little morning glory, but it didn't take. I did plant some seeds in the garden and the containers, so there is that. The gardening is not very guerilla this year, but I have seen other artists working with plants this year. At Socrates Sculpture Garden, Meg Webster has made an interactive planting called Concave Room For Bees. I am thinking of ways work with plants in a more controlled environment. Maybe guerilla gardening is easier in kinder cities, like Portland (either one), but New York is harsh on the random flower. I have renewed respect for those plantings the city does on the traffic dividers and triangles.